This platform provides NIOS Environmental Science (333) TMA Solved with Project Work for Class 12th. The answers to all the questions in this PDF are written in both Hindi and English medium. Here you can get an NIOS Solved Tutor Mark Assignment (TMA) in good quality which will help you to score maximum marks. All NIOS assignment questions with answers are well prepared by skilled and experienced teachers.
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Environmental Science
Tutor marked assignment
1. Answer any one of the following questions in about 40-60 words.
(a) Explain that the environment contains both biotic and abiotic components.
(b)“There is an increased importance given to biological methods for crop protection by
the farmers instead of chemicals.” Justify this statement with the help of an example.
2. Answer any one of the following questions in about 40-60 words.
(a) How can you explain nanotechnology for the use of mankind?
(b) Does the Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change, Govt. of India (formerly
Ministry of Environment and Forest) play a very crucial role in to benefit of
Environment? If yes, give reasons in support of your answer.
3. Answer any one of the following questions in about 40-60 words.
(a) Suppose your father is a farmer, he wants to enhance his crop yield as well as income with the help of modern agricultural practices. Suggest some modern practices for increasing his crop yield and income.
(b) How can we achieve the goal of minimizing waste? Explain in Brief.
4. Answer any one of the following questions in about 100 – 150 words.
(a) Your mother was reading the morning newspaper. She came across the news that 15
persons were killed by the crash of a bus with a Truck. She asked you how to avoid such kinds of road accidents. Suggest any four safety measures to avoid such road accidents.
(b) Environmental Ethics is an idea that should be created in every citizen’s mind. What
are how it can be done?
5. Answer any one of the following questions in about 100 – 150 words.
(a) Why do we consider groundwater as a suitable source of water supply in India?
Mention its special features also.
(b) Why do we consider petroleum as conventional oil or light oil? Explain in brief.
6. Prepare any one project out of the given below
(a)Collect information about important legislative enactments related to environmental
protection. Observe the various provisions and prepare a brief report on how
these provisions help in achieving the goals for which they are proposed.
(b) Collect the following information on the topic of Pollution (Choose any one type of
Pollution) and submit a brief report along with pictures /illustrated data/ or any support material collected/prepared by you.
(i) Name of the pollution:
(ii) Sources of this pollution
(iii) Its ill effects on the Environment (Plants, animals including humans)
(iv) How can this pollution be reduced or minimized?
(v) Write your suggestions for reducing this pollution.
You can write all the information in tabular form. The sample table is as follows:
Note: You can also take help from the lesson-18 and 31-B of your Environmental Science course book or any other resources for preparation of your questionnaire, and report.
NOTE- You will get the answers to all these questions after purchasing the PDF.
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- A total of 6 Questions are given by NIOS in TMA. All Questions have 2 options out of which one has to be selected in this PDF, we have given you the answer to both options, and you can write either of the two. Both are excellent answers for which you will get good marks.
- Students have to write the Question with black pen and Answer with blue pen on the A4 Size sheet or Practical one sideline page or both sides as you wish.
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