Pyschology 222 NIOS Solved Assignment [TMA] Class 10th in pdf

Pyschology 222 NIOS Solved Assignment [TMA] Class 10th in pdf

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Economics 318 Nios solved assignment pdf for 12th class 2023-2024

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Economics 318 Nios solved assignment pdf for 12th class 2023-2024

Entrepreneurship 249 Nios Assignment pdf download 2023-2024

Original price was: ₹199.Current price is: ₹50.


  • NIOS Tutor Marked Assignment (TMA) 2023-24 Academic Session
  • Students are eligible for March/April and October-November 2024 exams.
  • All assignments are prepared by experienced teachers.
  • More features in below.
  • it is available only in English medium.
  • The answers to all the questions were written brilliantly.
  • For more information contact us at +918375900279
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Entrepreneurship 249 Nios Assignment pdf download 2023-2024|| NIOS TMA 2023-2024 | NIos Tma Solved 2024 || Nios  Solved TMA Pdf  download 

NIOS से 10th & 12th कर रहे सभी छात्रो के लिए Tutor Marked Assignment (TMA) submit करना अनिवार्य होता है। क्योंकि इसमें आपको 20-20 नम्बर प्रत्येक सब्जेट के होते है ये नम्बर आपके मार्कशीट में जुड़ता है इसलिए छात्रो को सबमिट करना अनिवार्य होता है। हम आपको यहाँ से Online Solved Assignment (TMA) file PDF Format में soft copy or hard copy दोनों फार्मेट में मिल जायेगी। अगर आप कहोगें तो हम handwritten करके pdf ready करके  Direct आपके पोर्टल पर सबमिट भी करा देते है। आप अपने अनुसार choose कर सकते है। यहाँ से आपको Solved TMA file , pdf में ,अपने अनुसार विषय चुने और इसे आप Download कर ले। Download करने के बाद फाइलें तैयार करें और अपने Study Centre पर या online Dashboard पर सीधे जमा करा सकते है। आधिक जानकारी के लिए आप हमसे सम्पर्क कर सकते है- +918375900279, 9999056176

All questions 

                                                                                          Entrepreneurship (249)
                                                                                     Tutor Marked Assignment
1. Answer any one of the following questions in about 40-60 words.
a) Do you think innovation has any role to play in entrepreneurship? If yes, explain the types of entrepreneurship based on innovation. (See Lesson 2)
b) Can anyone become a successful entrepreneur or there are certain traits that make an entrepreneur successful? Explain any four traits of being a successful entrepreneur.
2. Answer any one of the following questions in about 40-60 words.
a) What is social entrepreneurship? Mention the steps involved in social entrepreneurship.
b) “Social entrepreneurship identifies various problems and selects one. It looks for techniques and resources for finding alternate solutions and finds possible ways for solving the problem.” If you agree with the given statement Mention any two social enterprises working for some social cause and explain how they are improving the lives of people.

3. Answer any one of the following questions in about 40-60 words.
A) “Entrepreneurship can begin at any time and at any age and can be carried on irrespective of the gender of the entrepreneur.” In the light of this statement name a first-generation, a young, and a woman entrepreneur elaborating their entrepreneurial journey.
b) Need, want and demand are very similar concepts yet they are different. Explain these concepts with the help of examples.

4. Answer any one of the following questions in about 100 to 150 words.
a) “Ideas are the key to innovation. New ideas are necessary for making any kind of change for improvement.” In the light of the given statement explain idea generation & its importance. Also, discuss any two techniques for generating ideas.
b) Successful enterprises provide support to an economy by creating jobs and providing goods and services. These enterprises cannot work in isolation and many times need support from the government. You are required to enlist and discuss various government schemes for entrepreneurs.
5. Answer any one of the following questions in about 100 to 150 words.
a) “The 21st century is the century of technology. Our ability to work with Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) is making our life a lot easier.” Considering this statement explain how KVIC-PMEGP e-Portal & My MSME are making life of entrepreneurs easy.
b) Explain the following e-resources available to an entrepreneur:
1) Skill India Portal
2) Startup India
3) SIDBI Udyamimitra

6. Answer any one of the following questions in about 100 to 150 words)
a) After completing her course in entrepreneurship your friend is planning to start an entrepreneurial venture of her own but since entrepreneurship is new for her, she first wants to observe other entrepreneurs. She needs your help in the process. Help her by suggesting the names of five entrepreneurs around you and what they do for a living. Also, identify what resources they use and what risks they face in the business.
b) “Saurabh is a working professional who is willing to start his own business. He wants to start at a big level and is currently considering five business options which are online cab services, online grocery delivery, an e-commerce website, a food delivery service & last digital payment service.” Prepare a detailed list comparing these five types of services on various parameters to help Saurabh in his endeavor to start his own business.


NOTE- You will get the answers to all these questions after purchasing the PDF.

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Entrepreneurship 249 Nios Assignment pdf download 2023-2024 || NIOS TMA Class 10|| NIOS TMA 2023-2024 | NIos Tma Solved 2024 || Nios  Solved TMA Pdf  download

  • Declaration/Note.
    • The Goods/Products sold are for end-user consumption and not for resale.
    • This is a digital product this is not refundable or changeable please read all the details carefully before buying.
    • NIOS asks a total of 6 questions in TMA. All Questions have 2 options out of which one has to be selected in this PDF, we have given you the answer to both options, and you can write either of the two. Both are excellent answers for which you will get good marks.
    • Students have to write the Question with black pen and Answer with blue pen on the A4 Size sheet, Practical one sideline page, or both sides as you wish.
    • After writing, prepare separate PDFs of all the files by scanning them separately.
    • Reduce the size of all PDFs to less than 5MB.
    • After that, you can upload it on your portal. If you have any problem then you can contact us.


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