
NIOS Theory Hall ticket 2023 class 10th & 12th

For students who have been admitted to NIOS, whose exams are in October and November, their practical hall ticket has arrived, Students will be able to download their NIOS hall ticket 2023 October exam by using their enrollment number and selecting the hall ticket type (Practical/Theory). Students will also get information about the NIOS 10th and NIOS 12th exam schedule and exam center details through NIOS Hall Ticket 2023 and get a chance to sit in the exam hall. Read the full article to know about Hall Ticket 2023 NIOS Board’s important dates, steps to download, important instructions once you have got the exam date sheet, and much more.

NIOS Admit Card 2023 Dates (Class 10th & 12th)
We have tabulated all the important dates of events related to the NIOS 2023 Admit Card for the 10th and 12th exams. To get information on this, click on the link given below.

How to Download NIOS Admit Card 2023 10th & 12th?
Students can download the 10th & 12th NIOS Exam Hall Ticket 2023 through online mode only. We have given a very easy way to download the NIOS admit card for 10th and 12th,

NIOS Theory Hall ticket 2023 class 10th & 12th

Dear students, all of your theory hall ticket has also arrived for your examination starting from 3rd October itself, you will get the exam date along with the subject in your hall ticket. In your hall ticket, the name of the center where the examination will be held is also mentioned along with the address. All of you students should reach your center before the date of the examination and confirm the center. So that you do not face any problems in reaching the exam day. By now all your practicals must have been done. If there is any remaining then you can go to your study center and give your practical paper.
How to download exam hall ticket:-

Dear learners, enter your ID card 12-digit enrollment number in the box given above, select your hall ticket type, then click on the submit button, now your hall ticket is in front of you.
You can also download the theory hall ticket directly from the NIOS official website:-

  1. Type on Google.
  2. You have reached the official website, after that click on the Exam & Result menu.
  3. Go to the Examination Menu
  4. After that click on Hall Ticket (October/November 2023).
  5. Fill in your roll number in the box above.
  6. Select your exam type.
  7. Click on submit.
    You can now print out your hall ticket.

हाल टिकट डाउनलोड करने के लिए नीचे दिये गये डाउनलोड बटन पर क्लिक करे

Direct Download NIOS Theory Hall Ticket 2023 Class 10th & 12th.

If you are still facing any problems in downloading then do not worry, I am giving the direct link for you, click on it. You can reach the download page.

अपने हाल टिकट को डाउलोड करने के लिए नीचे दिये गये डाउनलोड पर क्लिक करे…

Note: Dear Learners, You can download your Theory or Practical Hall Ticket only when you have deposited the examination fee for your October/November 2023 examination. All your records are Available with NIOS if you have deposited the examination fee but your hall ticket has not arrived, please contact your regional center immediately. Only then will you get your hall ticket. And you will be able to sit in the examination hall.

अब यहाँ तक आ ही गये हो तो एक प्यारा से कमेंट करके हमारा मनोबल बढ़ा सकते है।




    fantastic sir issme bahut easy ho gyaa hai downlaod karne ke liye

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